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The Atlyss Postpartum Package

Give the new mama in your life the gift of healthy, time-saving meals that will help her heal.

a woman sitting at a table with food 

Our Postpartum Package includes:

Four Broths

Two Packages of Energy Bites 

Two Breakfast Burritos 

Two Seasonal Bowls

Two Green Juices

Two Immune Juices

Two Mabel Mae's Lactation Brownies

Please provide your information in the boxes below.

In the comment bow, provide the name, address, and phone number of the recipient, as well as any dietary restrictions (gluten, dairy, vegetarian, etc.)

All packages will be delivered during our normal delivery day, which is every Sunday. Please give us a minimum of one week to fulfill your order.

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Thank you for your order! We’ll be in touch shortly with your invoice.